Upgrading Churches: Extra Activities That Can Benefit From Solar Panels

Posted on: 29 June 2017

Many churches use their venues for a lot more than just masses. They often become a community center where families and friends can gather, celebrate, and spend time together. Churches often hold extra activities on a regular basis, but the costs for electricity and resources can quickly add up. One way to help reduce these costs is by purchasing solar panels for churches. Solar panel companies can install these panels and make it a lot easier to generate electricity. In some states, extra power can even be distributed to the grid and the church can get paid extra money for giving off that power.

Church Bingo Sessions

All around the country, church bingo is a popular event that helps raise money for the church and provides people with a fun way to play the game of bingo. If your church holds a bingo session, then there are many advantages to using solar power. The solar panels can help power bingo ball machines, display monitors, and the large calling board so that people can see. If a sound system is used to call numbers, then the solar power can help with that as well. During the warmer months, the bingo hall can features comfortable air conditioning for all of the guests. Cutting down on the costs of electricity will help increase the profits of these bingo nights.


Holding a wedding at a church requires a lot of different resources. Lighting, sound systems, air conditioning, and other features can help make the church shine and be the ideal venue for guests. Many people have started holding green weddings that help reduce the amount of waste in the actual wedding. Hosting the wedding at a church with solar panels will really help incorporate the green wedding theme and can make a huge difference on attracting couples to the venue.

Cooking & Meals

A lot of churches tend to hold breakfasts, brunches, and suppers to provide a fun time for the community. Cooking and preparing these meals can require a lot of electrical resources. The whole process can be made a lot easier with solar power. Solar energy can help power stoves, microwaves, deep fryers, and other heavy cooking equipment. It can also allow churches to upgrade some of their cooking equipment without increasing the electric bill. This also includes upgraded refrigerators or freezers that can be used to store food.

Solar companies can work with churches to set up the best way to have solar panels installed. This will make a huge difference in the long run and really help the church help with the environment. 
