Solar Panel Installation: Key Factors To Consider

Posted on: 17 February 2021

With the increase in the number of households and businesses using solar panels, the cost of solar energy has decreased. Reduction in energy usage from the power grid could bring considerably lower your electricity bill. 

Also, generating your energy through solar tech has a similar result and could also assist you in moving entirely off the grid. A reputable solar installer can install solar panels for use in both residential and commercial facilities. Below are the primary points you need to focus on before the solar panel installation.

The Location

Sunlight is directed to different sections of the house at different times. Therefore, it makes sense to have solar panels installed at the points that are guaranteed to get the most sunlight for more extended periods. 

You'll also need to consider small trees that eventually grow tall, which may significantly impact the amount of exposure the panels have to the sun. Depending on the type of panel, shadows can either cause the unit to shut down or reduce the amount of electricity it produces. Typically, the longer the panels are exposed to sunlight, the better the efficiency of your system. 

Average Power Consumption 

Nowadays, most homes utilize a wide variety of appliances that are essential for everyday living. As a result, every family has a different power consumption rate, which is tied to how other people operate their homes. If you don't consume too much energy, it will make sense to go for a few panels instead of investing in more panels that you don't need. 

The reverse is also true. As such, knowing how much you consume every month will be an important guideline in choosing the right size and number of panels you would need to sufficiently power your home. Your electricity bills are an excellent way of calculating just how much energy you consume every day on average since prices are based on kilowatts.

The Type of Solar Technology to Go for 

Solar power installation requires you first identify the type of panels you'd like for your home. Your power installation professional is better placed to help you make this decision as it will ultimately dictate a lot about your experience. The two main types of solar mechanisms are thermal and photovoltaic solar technologies. 

Photovoltaic solar technology utilizes a cell setup that converts energy from sunlight to electrical power. Thermal solar technology, on the other hand, works by heating air or water to use domestically. For a home that relies on tremendous energy for heating purposes, a thermal solar setup would be the ideal choice. 
